surgical procedures
local professionals are involved in training programmes

Ilary Blasi
Testimonial for Emergenza Sorrisi
“I feel close to the children who suffer, and don’t smile for many reasons. The volunteer Doctors for Emergenza Sorrisi change the future for many of these children, but they need our help in order to do this. With a small donation we can give a new life to these children far away, who will warm our hearts with their thanks”

Samuel’s Mother, Benin
““When Samuel was born his Father abandoned us, he left because he couldn’t accept the humiliation of having a son with a disfigured face: “it’s a curse”, he said. I was alone and desperate, I was going mad and believed that getting rid of my son would be the only answer.

Volunteer and Supporter
“I know what binds me to Emergenza Sorrisi: it’s passion. It’s inside me, under my skin, you can see it in my eyes and you sense it when I talk, I know this by now and my aim is to convince people that everyone can donate money and time, not just those who are better off. In fact, I believe that in a moment of crisis such as this
You can help us to rewrite the future for thousands of children. You can do it now.