It takes many hands to donate a smile.
Each year 170.000 children are born with facial abnormalities in developing countries, currently 15 million children who are burns victims are waiting for treatment. We can’t leave them alone.

Fabio Massimo Abenavoli
Plastic Surgeon, president of Emergenza Sorrisi
“We are here. Always. We are called upon by Iraq or Afghanistan? We are here. Even if there is a war going on, even if it’s dangerous. We are where there’s suffering, we are where we are needed. We are volunteers, we are Doctors: this is our life”.

Mamma di Francisco
“Francisco was born in Maputo, in Mozambique. He had a serious type of cleft palate and little hope of survival. Nine years later he was operated on by the Doctors from Emergenza Sorrisi. Today he is a special young man. He, and we too, were lucky.
Pole Pole Tshomba
Surgeon, Co-ordinator of Emergenza Sorrisi Congo (RDC)
You can help us to rewrite the future for thousands of children. You can do it now.