Tax Benefits

Tax Benefits

Donations made to Emergenza Sorrisi are deductible, according to the regulations usually applied to donations. A private individual or company that makes a donation can freely decide how the tax will be benefited from.

Private individuals can:

  • Deduct the donation to a sum not exeeding 10% of total declared income, up to 70.000 Euro per annum (art. 14, subparag. 1 of the D.L. 35/05 made law n. 80 on 14/05/2005);
  • Deduct 26% of the amount donated from gross income up to a maximum of 30.000 Euro (art.15, subparag. 1 letter i-bis of the D.P.R. 917/86).

As an alternative, based on the taxation system applied to the free disbursement in favour of NGOs such as Emergenza Sorrisi, there is a further option:

  • Deduct donations from your income to a total not exceeding 2% of total declared income (art. 10, subparag. 1 letter g of the D.P.R. 917/86).

Businesses can:

  • Deduct donations in favour of the ONLUS, to a total not exceeding 10% of total declared income and furthermore to a maximum of 70.000 Euro per annum (art. 14, subparag. 1 of the D.L. 35/05 made law n. 80 on 14/05/2005);
  • Deduct donations in favour of the ONLUS to a total not exceeding 30.000 Euro or 2% of the declared business income (art. 100, subparag. 2 letter h of the D.P.R. 917/86).


In order to benefit from this tax facility you should retain:

  • The payment receipt when making a postal order;
  • Accounting details or bank statements for Direct Debit or credit transfers;
  • Credit card statement issued by company manager.