How we use funds

We direct generosity of our donors to where it’s most needed.

emergenza sorrisi come doniamo un sorriso

How we give back a smile:

Disposable surgical kits: 15 €
Antibiotics for the procedure: 25 €
Feeding bottles, soap and toys for a child in recovery: 50 €
Anaesthetic and surgical material: 100 €
Full surgical procedure: 250 €
emergenza sorrisi come formiamo i chirurghi

How we train a surgeon:

A training kit for a local surgeon: 25 €
A complete surgical kit consisting of shirts, caps and sterile gloves: 50 €
Comprehensive on-site training course: 180 €
Two weeks of instruction in Italy: 800 €

“Nothing can adequately describe the look on the face of a child who has been operated on and has rediscovered their face, looking in the mirror after the procedure. I have seen Doctors cry with emotion. This is why I joined Emergenza Sorrisi’s campaign. Because restoring a child’s smile is the same as restoring the world’s smile and the future.”


emergenza sorrisi jean pierre

Jean Pierre

17 years old, Benin

“I grew up in a village near to the city of Cotonou. My life was difficult because I was born with an abnormality of the mouth. Nobody wanted to get close to me, how I looked made people afraid and even my own family thought I was cursed.

emergenza sorrisi khalid


Nurse, Iraq

“Many years ago I had the sensation of being taken by the hand: Emergenza Sorrisi chose me to be the Iraqi Co-Ordinator of the co-operative project in Nassiriya, I worked through a period of training and on my professional growth too. I followed courses in Italy and Iraq.

emergenza sorrisi mohammed

Mohamed's father

5 years old, Iraq

“Mohamed is my son, he was healthy before our house caught fire and his body became covered in burns. He suffered a lot, I prayed that his suffering would come to an end. His body was covered in scars, burns, and he had difficulty moving.

You can help us to rewrite the future for thousands of children. You can do it now.