We train local doctors

We train local doctors

Through training healthcare personnel who operate in the context of our projects, we advance growth and development.

It’s not enough to do our job as Doctors, it’s essential that all of this includes local participation at it’s core, and becomes the source of learning for many professionals who work with great difficulty in hospitals with limited resources.

All of the missions by Emergena Sorrisi combine clinical and surgical training activities, via hours spent in the classroom and on-the-job training. There are 570 professional healthcare workers in Africa and the Middle East who have benefited from our training projects.

We have a dream: to not be needed where we are currently essential. The path leading to realizing this dream involves training and the implementation of local healthcare infrastructures.

Where training programmes are carried out


« In 2008 I collaborated with Emergenza Sorrisi to set up a surgical mission that took place in Peshawar. On that occasion children were operated on because they had cleft palate or complications arising from burns. I didn’t stop collaborating with Emergenza Sorrisi, they offered me various different surgical training courses in Italy and abroad, presently I am the representative of the NGO in Pakistan, where an office recently opened. I owe a lot to this organization, I grew professionally thanks to them and in turn this is an important benefit to our patients, both young and old. »


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