
These values and this commitment could benefit your company.

We are a non-governmental organization of volunteer Doctors and Nurses, with active projects in developing countries and Italy. We have definitive and tangible objectives. We make decisive interventions, that completely and definitively change the lives of children. Our organization is streamlined. We are the bringers of peace and solidarity between peoples.

At the start of our journey many businesses knew of our projects, and decided to support them. Without this help, today many smiles would be missing. Behind a smile that has been restored lies not just the commitment of our volunteers; there is the effort, dedication and generosity of many entrepreneurs and workers too.

“There wasn’t much choice to make in deciding to support the Association in it’s praiseworthy activities. It’s the duty of anyone fortunate to come across these courageous Doctors. We decided to support Emergenza Sorrisi in the same way in which it’s volunteers do: according to our abilities and specific experiences”


sara doris mediolanum

Sara Doris

President of Mediolanum FoundationOnlus

“We have collaborated with Emergenza Sorrisi for some years and together we have already made 143 children smile. We decided to support a second mission in Iraq because, other than the 87 small patients who were operated

emergenza sorrisi Caterina Toto Takeda Italia

Caterina Toto

Communications Manager, Takeda Italia S.p.A.

“For over 35 years the Gruppo Takeda have made innovative drugs available in our country, we are the the top Japanese pharmaceutical company and among the top 20 worldwide. All our activity is founded on the desire to respond to the health requirements of the Society,

emergenza sorrisi andrea barni

Andrea Barni

Assifidi S.p.a.

“I got to know Emergenza Sorrisi a few years ago thanks to the President of the Association, and I immediately recognised the incredible humanity, enthusiasm and dedication throughout the organisation. Therefore, it was very easy to be pulled

You can help us to rewrite the future for thousands of children. You can do it now.