I want to make a donation

I want to make a donation

Bank transfer

Payable to: Emergenza Sorrisi
Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna
IBAN Code – IT91J0538703203000001616000

Payment by post

Payable to: Emergenza Sorrisi
c/c 1005824634
IBAN code – IT58j0760103200001005824634
Download the form

Non-transferable check

Payable to Emergenza Sorrisi
This check must be sent in a sealed envelope to:
Emergenza Sorrisi – via Salaria 95, 00198 Roma

« “I donated what I was able to, but I gave it from the heart because I couldn’t ignore this cause. They made me feel a part of an incredible project. »


You can help us to rewrite the future for thousands of children. You can do it now.