Chiamaci : +39 06 84242799
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Who we are
Governing Bodies
Scientific Committee
Statute and Budget
Our Team
Our offices worldwide
How we use funds
What we do
We operate on children with facial abnormalties
We operate on children with burns and trauma inflicted by war
We carry out ophthalmic missions
We train local doctors
Projects in Italy and commitment to the environment
What you can do
I want to donate
I want to make a donation
I want to be a regular donor
I want to give in memory of someone who has deceased
I want to activate a bequest
I want to be a volunteer
I want to donate my 5×1000
I want to organize an event
I want to make my event special
Celebrations and anniversaries
Certificates of solidarity
Wedding gifts of solidarity
Support a project with a donation
Employee engagement
Start a partnership
Donate goods
Comitato scientifico